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Beat Menopause Misery And Sleep More Soundly With 3 Soothing Secrets

Menopause is something that women go through as a natural part of ageing. Unfortunately, many women suffer from unwanted symptoms as a result, and this often affects their capacity for a peaceful night’s sleep. So what exactly is menopause, and what are some of the common symptoms? More importantly, how can we fight them to sleep more soundly? This article aims to answer these questions by giving you some top tips on how to overcome your menopause misery.

What Is Menopause?

Menopause is a natural part of ageing that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years. When a woman’s ovaries stop producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone, periods come to an end. A woman reaches menopause roughly a year after her final menstrual period. This stage of life is often reached by women between the years of 45 and 55. On average, most Britain women reach menopause by the time they are 51 years old. This change can bring about several unwanted symptoms, and sleep quality is often affected as a result. In fact, approximately 61% of menopausal women have sleep problems! Before we review some friendly advice, let’s consider some of the classic symptoms of menopause.

Symptoms Of Menopause

There are several common menopause symptoms relating to sleep. Here are some of them (along with some insightful percentages offered by the Sleep Foundation):

  • Hot flashes: These are unexpected and sudden sensations of heat all over the body. Flashes (or ‘flushes’) start in the face and then spread to the chest and the rest of the body, accompanied by sweating. Each episode typically ranges from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. In fact, hot flashes are a widespread symptom of menopause, affecting 75-85% of women. Generally, hot flashes occur on and off for about seven years, but they can prolong for more than ten in some cases.

Hot flashes can occur at nighttime (in which case, they are known as night sweats). During these episodes, a woman’s body temperature increases and her blood flow becomes more intense, which can cause her to wake up. Due to energising spikes in heat and adrenaline, it is hard to fall back to sleep. Even if a woman goes back to bed, her sleep quality will likely suffer because of the regular awakenings and discomforts, leading to tiredness the next day. Of the women with severe hot flashes, almost 44% meet the criteria for our following symptom, chronic insomnia.

  • Chronic insomnia: Insomnia, by definition, is a difficulty with falling or staying asleep more than three times a week. As a result, people who have insomnia tend to feel restless, miss out on sleep, wake up early and often feel drowsy the following day. This symptom can bring about other unwanted side effects, such as anxiousness, irritability, impaired focus and memory, and an increase in headaches. As a population, roughly 1 in 7 of us have chronic insomnia, but for women specifically, it is 1 in 4. During menopause, the risk of insomnia significantly increases. As many as 61% of postmenopausal women have reported symptoms of insomnia.
  • Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA): Yet another symptom of menopause is obstructive sleep apnoea, also known as OSA. This is a sleep disorder that presents itself with temporary pauses in breathing – leading to snoring, gasping, choking sensations, and a decreased quality of sleep. OSA affects 2% of women. However, once perimenopause begins (the part of a woman’s life just before menopause), a woman’s risk of having OSA may increase by 4% each year!
  • Restless legs syndrome (RLS): This symptom describes involuntary leg movements that lead to disrupted sleep and discomfort. RLS can happen to anybody but is prevalent with menopausal women.
  • Anxiety and depression: Sleep issues can lead to anxiety and depression, which ironically can make sleep problems even worse – a vicious cycle.

As we have seen, there are many potential symptoms of menopause, none of which are particularly pleasant. So, is there any way we can reduce these symptoms (or at least feel a sense of control)? Below are three soothing secrets to a restful night of peace:

1.Control Your Caffeine Intake

Caffeine is found in many delicious beverages and foods, including coffee, tea, cola and chocolate. While high-caffeine sources often taste yummy, it is important to remember that caffeine is a stimulant that may take over seven hours to leave your system. As a result, it can keep you awake, but besides that, it can also trigger hot flashes in some women. Therefore, if you have insomnia or night sweats, it may be best to avoid caffeine altogether. But if you like to indulge, make sure it is early on in the day, so the substance has time to exit your system. Another extra tip is to avoid alcohol before bed, as this is also a possible hot flash trigger. It also can make it tricky for you to stay asleep and prevent you from enjoying a deep rest.

2.Keep It Cool

Another top tip is to keep the temperature in your bedroom as low and comfortable as possible. This will help to ward off those pesky hot flashes and night sweats. Alongside this, ensure you wear thin and breathable cotton sleepwear and choose cotton sheets instead of synthetic materials. Before you get into bed, perhaps even indulge in a nice cool shower to lower your body temperature.

Top tip: If you wake up due to night sweats and can’t fall back to sleep, try getting out of bed for 15 minutes and doing something relaxing until you feel sleepy again. Often, lying in bed worrying about sleep issues makes it even harder to nod off!

3.Relaxing Routines

A third suggestion is to try relaxation techniques. Whether it is yoga, meditation or breathing exercises, find what works best for you. It could even be settling down with a book each night or listening to soothing sounds to lull you off to sleep. Alongside this, you should try to create a sensible sleep routine. Try to go to bed at roughly the same time each night. This is more conducive to getting better quality sleep.

These soothing tips should help you control any unwanted or unpleasant menopause symptoms that you might suffer from. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor if you have any concerns related to your wellbeing. However, sleep supplements cannot go unmentioned in this article. Finding the right sleep capsules might just be the ticket to a more fulfilling nighttime routine  – particularly if you’re adjusting to different stages of life. Read on to discover more.

Bonus Secret: Add A Sleep Supplement To Your Routine

Can Night Caps earn a permanent spot on your bedside table? Created by Yawns, these sleep capsules make for a dreamy choice because they are specifically crafted to help you switch off your mind and body each night. And the formula is 100% organic! Let’s take a closer look at the exotic plant extracts you can find within each sleeping capsule:

  • Ashwagandha powder: This is also known as Indian ginseng. Ashwagandha powder may help you manage some stress symptoms, influence your natural hormone levels, and impact your blood sugar levels. Furthermore, it might affect some signs of inflammation, cholesterol, and even a low mood!
  • Valerian root powder: This plant is loved all over the world. It may help you to sleep better and help to reduce some anxiety symptoms.
  • Griffonia seed extract: In their natural form, Griffonia seeds are disk-shaped. These seeds potentially influence your serotonin levels (aka the ‘happy hormone’) and impact your self-care routine. Also, Griffonia seeds may reduce migraine frequency – if you are unfortunate enough to suffer from them – and possibly help you sleep more peacefully.
  • Black pepper powder: Black pepper is a familiar spice found in kitchens everywhere, but it’s anything but ordinary. Did you know it’s high in antioxidants and may also have some potential anti-inflammatory properties? It might also affect your natural brain function, cholesterol-related symptoms and blood sugar levels. The spice that keeps on giving!
  • As you can see from the properties of these ingredients, they may be worth exploring if you’re managing menopause symptoms. When it comes to Night Caps, you know exactly what you are taking, and we have nothing to hide. All our ingredients are premium, and we’ve toiled over this unique formula to make it as promising as possible. The capsules are designed for those who are looking for a natural way to supplement their lifestyle. So many people are hunting for ways to sleep better, and this product might just give you an unfair advantage.

We all know that menopause can be an inconvenience and a pain to those who suffer from it. With our new sleeping capsules, you may potentially be able to supplement some annoying, sleep-related symptoms. It’s impossible to turn back time, but improving your sleep may not be as hard as you think with a little help from nature.